E-file Creation Results Dialog Box
E-file Creation Results dialog box
Holding/Releasing State E-files
By default, ATX will automatically hold and release state e-files for states that prefer prior Federal e-file acceptance.
To access this preference, click the Adjust state e-file settings link.
The E-file Manager Preferences tab appears. The Automatically hold and release state e-files for states that prefer prior Federal e-file acceptance preference is enabled by default. Clear the check box to disable.
To release a held e-file from the E-file Creation Results dialog box:
Held e-files are denoted by a preceding the form name.
- Use your cursor to hover over the red transmission icon next to the form type. The popup text indicates that the State e-file is on hold until the Federal is accepted:
E-file Creation Results dialog box
- To release the State e-file, click
The notification changes to , indicating that the e-file has been released.
E-file Creation Results dialog box
- Click OK.